Privateer's Moon Read online

  Privateer’s Moon

  The Eyes of Libertad series

  By Gerald L. Hall

  Dedicated to my wife who is known to all as ‘Rev Bev’. She’s the good Shepherd that this old ‘sheepdog’ has been working together in love with for over twenty-three years. She has been and continues to be my ‘walking, talking miracle’.

  Copyright Pending 2019, Gerald Hall

  Image credits: NASA

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission by the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.


  Orion Arm, Milky Way Galaxy

  June 1, 2320.

  Mankind had first ventured beyond the star of its birth less than one hundred and fifty years after making its first tiny steps into space. Mankind’s first interstellar drive was based on the Alcubierre principle where space-time was warped in front of a craft in order to pull it along at superluminary speeds. This got mankind to its first extrasolar destination of Alpha Centari. But the immense amount of power necessary and the requirement for exotic and dark matter for the Alcubierre drive made travel very expensive and only a few Terran nations and transnational entities could afford to build ships using this warp technology.

  But fifty years after the first human traveled beyond the Solar System using this ‘warp’ drive, another scientific discovery was made that allowed miniature artificial wormholes to be created in space that allowed vessels to jump between the gravity wells of stars. Within a certain distance, the artificial wormholes would adversely interact with the stellar gravity wells, limiting the maximum range that could be traveled during each ‘jump’. But the new jump technology still required far less energy than what the Alcubierre drives required to travel between the stars. The new interstellar jump drives also did not require nearly as much exotic matter as the earlier drive designs, making them considerably easier to construct. The only application where the Alcubierre drive continued to be viable was for travel through deep space where there were no stellar gravity wells for the jump drives to interact with.

  These new jump drives were relatively large installations, taking up nearly half of the mass of any ships that carried it. This meant that most jump ships could not also carry a large maneuvering drive for high-speed operations in normal space unless the ship itself was very large.

  Because of this, most intersystem travel utilized subordinate craft that could carry a relatively powerful reaction drive to power them quickly within a star system. The first generation of intrasystem maneuvering drives was of a nuclear-thermal design. This technology was eventually superseded by fusion torch drives that were far more powerful and fuel-efficient. These subordinate spacecraft were commonly referred to as shuttles, though subcategories were quickly established based on their particular specialization.

  These shuttles would be transported from one star system to another via docking collars on the jump ships. Those same docking collars could also carry a variety of modules for cargo, additional fuel storage and other functions.

  As mankind continued to venture among the stars, eventually they would come in conflict with each other for a variety of reasons. Earth, the various colonies and the burgeoning number of interstellar corporations began to build armed vessels for a variety of reasons.

  The militarization of interstellar space by humanity first began with arming the jump tenders and large shuttles with light armaments, mostly for defensive purposes. But this quickly expanded to the construction of dedicated warships. The smallest of these spaceborne fighting ships were short-range fighters with crews of only one to three personnel. They could be carried in large numbers aboard specialized transport modules or on space stations.

  The most common of the larger spaceborne fighting ships were evolved versions of the shuttles that were referred to as ‘battlers’. They were fast, well armored and very well armed. Battlers came in a variety of sizes and could also be transported between the stars aboard a jump ship’s docking collars just like the shuttles that they were based upon. Battlers were the workhorses of the fleets and bore the brunt of the fighting.

  Finally, there were military versions of the jump tender that were designed to survive even in the midst of battle. These combat tenders were large ships that had powerful fusion torch drives, heavily armored hulls and a large array of anti-ship and anti-fighter weapons. The anti-ship weapons could also be used to attack planetary targets as well. Combat tenders often had several squadrons of fighters onboard to provide support. But, combat tenders also used their own docking collars to carry multiple battlers, making a single combat tender as devastatingly capable weapon.

  Earth had established a single planetary government after many decades of internal conflict. Most of Earth’s warring factions had either settled their differences or had chosen to travel to one of the off-world colonies to settle a world under their own rules. But Earth and its sister off-world colonies continued to be a first among equals. Earth continued to have the largest number of military spacecraft under the aegis of Earth Fleet compared to the small navies of the various colonial governments and various interstellar corporate entities.

  The major independent colonial groups are based around areas in space where mankind has found multiple habitable worlds. The largest of these colonial groups were the Kepler Alliance, the Gliese Confederation, the Tau Ceti Republic and the Trappist States. There were smaller, single system colonies as well in systems like Proxima Centauri and K2-18 that sought to maintain their separate identities as well.

  Eventually, as mankind expanded outward along the spinward portion of the Orion Arm of the galaxy, they ran into a hostile spacefaring alien race, the Lu’non. The Lu’non were not only an aggressive insectoid race, but were also highly xenophobic and viciously carnivorous.

  But the Lu’non were not the only threat to interstellar humanity as some of the massive corporate syndicates such as Conshaw-Ling and the Belair Group became ever more aggressive and willing to utilize extreme measures to achieve their goals of expansion, power and control. The absolute protection of human life was not always very high on these particular syndicates’ priorities either. These brutal, underhanded tactics were not employed by all of the interstellar corporations, but the ones that did caused many problems for the various human colonies located throughout the Orion Arm.

  There were now constant low-level armed conflicts among the various colonies, interstellar corporate syndicates and Earth’s own forces. Pirates plied their trade in the spaces between the human colonies in a manner not that dissimilar to that of the days hundreds of years earlier on Earth’s high seas.

  There was also the continuing threat of the genocidal Lu’non who preyed upon all humans who ran across them. There were rumors of human collaborators working with the Lu’non. These collaborators were either traders selling contraband to the aliens or agents who wished the Lu’non to specifically target specific human targets on behalf of the agents’ employers.

  Under these circumstances, there was plenty of work for those who wished to sell their services or their sword to whoever was willing to pay. Alec Martinson was just one of those people selling his sword for a paycheck and a chance to once more stand in the breech to fight the good fight.

  Chapter One:

  Titan Station

  Sol System

  August 28, 2320

  Alec Martinson had just delivered four cargo shuttles from Wolf 359. But the pay was just barely enough to keep up with his operating expenses. His recently refitted jump tender Alacrity had taken up very nearly every sing
le credit to Alec’s name. This was in spite of the significant compensation that he received from the salvage of two wrecked battlers. Alec did that recovery mission using a rented jump tender crewed by a skeleton crew of new crewmembers barely out of school and retired salvage experts on their last mission. Without those prize rewards, Alec would have never been able to refit the old jump tender that he had purchased. But Alec still needed a way to build his account back up to a more comfortable level.

  Alec was also someone who found pure cargo runs to be boring as hell. The fit but otherwise unassuming looking former naval officer wanted something to do that was far more exciting and profitable than merely carrying cargo shuttles and transport modules. So he began quietly asking friends from his days in Gliese Confederation Navy for any possible opportunities.

  Alec was only on Titan Station for a few days when a tall, well-dressed man of Afro-European stock and having a short, well-groomed beard calmly approached him while Alec was eating lunch.

  “Excuse me, Sir. You are Captain Alec Martinson, I believe?”

  It was obvious to Alec that his visitor already knew exactly who he looked like. So there was no point in playing coy with him.

  “Yes, I am. How can I help you, Sir?”

  “Good afternoon, Mister Martinson. My name is Claude Wisp. May I please sit down, Sir?”

  “Please do.” Alec politely responded.

  “It has come to my employer’s attention that you and your ship might potentially be for hire. My information here also says that you would potentially be open for more high-risk opportunities than the average captain, especially since your jump tender is quite well-armed.” The visitor revealed, much to Alec’s surprise.

  With Alacrity’s armament being carefully concealed, only the most well-informed organizations would be aware of it. The other option was that this first contact was the result of the help that Alec had solicited from some of his friends earlier.

  “Yes, Sir. I am definitely looking for contracts that pay considerably more than the average cargo hauler gets. Notably, I have tried to keep the particulars of my ship pretty close to the vest. But I can assure you that Alacrity can certainly take care of herself in most situations.”

  “That is very good to hear, Captain. I represent one of the independent Kepler colonies. We have been having some problems along the spinward border of the Orion Arm with one of the syndicates in addition to the usual troubles with the Lu’non and the recent outbreak of violence by forces aligned with ‘The True Way’.

  We need an agent acting on our behalf to take much more direct action against elements of the Belair Syndicate and to a lesser extent, the Lu’non. We will also need for you to assist in protecting our shipping against ‘Truist’ armed raiders in additional to the usual pirate threat.”

  “Don’t you have a navy for that sort of thing, Mister Wisp?” A cautious Alec asked.

  “Our limited naval assets are currently stretched thin with their current responsibilities already. We need assistance in making our adversaries’ operations against us much more ‘expensive’ than they are willing to accept. The potential opportunities for you to profit from this venture, both directly and indirectly. There will also be a significant opportunities for you to become a very wealthy man if your team is successful in completing your mission for us.”

  Alec listened closely. He didn’t want to be thrown to the wolves. But the basic offer sounded very tempting, especially if it was what Alec believed.

  “You are talking about commerce raiding? Escort missions? Possibly some high value transport missions?”

  “Yes, to all of the above. Essentially, you will be operating as a privateer on our behalf. It will also give you lawful rights towards salvage and prize money as appropriate. The Belair Syndicate and my employer are officially in ‘contractual conflict’ at this time. The Truists and their little jihad would obviously be considered targets of opportunity should you choose to engage them. My superiors and the authorities of the various extrasolar colonies also consider the operatives of ‘The True Way’ to be the equivalent of pirates for legal purposes. Of course, any other vessels engaging in illegal piracy would also be suitable targets of opportunity should you encounter them.”

  What Mister Wisp had just said was legalese for a state of ‘de facto’ armed conflict between aggrieved parties, but just short of officially declared war. This level of conflict kept the war from hitting home planets, but still allowed legal armed operations against the various parties’ offworld possessions, personnel and facilities. No use was allowed for weapons of mass destruction against any population centers though.

  Alec was very pleased with the potential opportunity under the circumstances. But he still had some concerns that needed to be addressed.

  “I am not going to be expected to engage directly against Syndicate naval units in an offensive role or in fleet actions, am I? After all, Alacrity is still a civilian design jump tender.”

  “Not unless you wish to. My employer does understand your limitations. We will make ‘suggestions’ as to what we would like for you to try to do, but for the most part, you will operate independently. If we require you to make a special delivery or to act as a covert escort for some of our colonial ships, you will be compensated appropriately.”

  It all sounded all too reasonable. Which was why Alec was very suspicious of the man sitting across the restaurant table in front of him.

  “I will need a retainer payment in hand before I can do anything for you, Mister Wisp. I will also need a legitimate letter of marquis to operate under. It can’t be some worthless piece of paper from some backwater world either. It needs to be certified by Earth Fleet itself. Otherwise, this discussion is all academic because I am not going to get blown out of space by an Earth Fleet heavy battler because the Terrans think that I am a rogue pirate.”

  Mister Wisp slowly nodded his head before speaking.

  “These are all very legitimate concerns on your part. I am already authorized to offer you this much as a retainer payment upon acceptance of the contract.” Wisp said as he scribbled down a number onto an old fashioned piece of paper and slid it across the table.

  Alec tried to maintain his best poker face as he looked at the amount written on the paper. It was generous, but not overwhelming so. That actually relieved him because if the amount offered was too generous, then Alec knew that he was about to be thrown to the wolves and probably wouldn’t live long enough to spend the money.

  “We will also ensure that when you apply for your letter of marquis with Earth, that you will receive it without any undue questions being asked. Will that be satisfactory for you?” Wisp continued.

  “Can’t I do that here instead?” Alec asked.

  “No, Captain Martinson. We would actually prefer that you travel to Tau Ceti to obtain your letter of marquis with the Earth authorities there. We have already made the arrangements there. Asking for this documentation while still in the Sol System would cause too many awkward questions to be asked of all of us, I’m afraid. Here on Terra, there are always too many people watching. This is especially the case regarding the various government agencies. Away from Terra itself, it is much easier to find officials who are reasonably ‘flexible’ in regards to our needs.

  To make the trip worthwhile for you in the interim, we are prepared to offer you a straight transport contract to deliver some items for us from here to Tau Ceti. You will be compensated appropriately for the task. It will also assist in your cover to have a legitimate reason to travel to Tau Ceti.”

  Alec thought about Mister Wisp’s offer for a few minutes as he finished the last of his lunch and watched the Kepler representative silently sitting there across the table from him. After he swallowed the last bite of his Terran beef steak, Alec looked up and said.

  “Alright, Mister Wisp. Send me a copy of the contract for me to look over. If everything is satisfactory and as you have described to me, you will then have an armed jump tender an
d myself at your service.”

  Mister Wisp simply smiled as he slid over a data chip with the contract to Alec.

  “You will find all of the details of our proposed contract contained within this chip. If you have any particular issues with the contract, I’m sure that we can discuss them and find a mutually satisfactory arrangement. We would then incorporate it into a revised contract.”

  “Thank you, Mister Wisp. I will look this over and contact you with my decision shortly.”

  Alec immediately left the restaurant and went back to his jump tender after finishing his meal. He then went into his personal cabin and inserted Mister Wisp’s data chip into the computer workstation built into one of the cabin walls.

  “Hello, Rita. I have some information for you on this chip. I assume that our Kepler friend didn’t try to slip any sort of unwanted software along with the contract information on the disk.”

  Rita’s lovely avatar appeared on the workstation display screen, smiled and gave a little wink.

  “No, Darling. Your Mister Wisp seems to be playing very honestly with us at this point. He has offered us a very challenging mission. But his terms are quite generous. He has also promised the sort of support that we would need to successfully prosecute the targets that he has designated.”

  “Yes, but the Belair Syndicate is a very powerful opponent. We will have to be very careful in dealing with them.” Alec replied.

  “Being careful is rather out of your character though, isn’t it?” Rita joked.

  “Sometimes, you just don’t have any choice, especially when dealing with people who have a very flexible sense of what the law allows them to do to outsiders. You have to become very creative on how to get around such figures. Of course, that is seldom appreciated by the officials whose improper plans you have just thwarted.”